Спеціальні потреби

Україна ПІСЛЯ ЯНУКОВИЧА - реакції Світу

21:08 22.2.2014
Ендрю Вайс бачить "тривожні сигнали з Росії":

21:10 22.2.2014
Політолог, професор Університету Бейлор у США пише:

"Януковича може вже і нема, але його приспішники намагаються утримати владу. Лідер ПР Євремов присягнув на вірність парамілітарній групі "Варта Луганська" та обіцяє захищати цей східно-український регіон. Негайний виклик перед новою владою - не дати Донбасу перетворитись на ще одне Придністров'я"....

"Yanukovych may be gone, but his minions are still trying to hold onto power. Regions faction leader Efremov pledges loyalty to the new paramilitary group "Lugansk guard" and promises to protect this Eastern Ukrainian region. The immediate challenge for the new authorities is to prevent Donbas from turning into another Transnistria."
21:17 22.2.2014
Office of the Press Secretary
February 22, 2014
Statement by the Press Secretary on Ukraine

The United States is closely monitoring developments in Ukraine. We have consistently advocated a de-escalation of violence, constitutional change, a coalition government, and early elections, and today’s developments could move us closer to that goal. The unshakeable principle guiding events must be that the people of Ukraine determine their own future. We welcome constructive work in the Rada and continue to urge the prompt formation of a broad, technocratic government of national unity. We welcome former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko’s release from a prison hospital today, and we wish her a speedy recovery as she seeks the appropriate medical treatment that she has long needed and sought.

We continue to urge an end to violence by all sides and a focus on peaceful, democratic dialogue, working pursuant to Ukraine’s constitution and through its institutions of government. Going forward, we will work with our allies, with Russia, and with appropriate European and international organizations to support a strong, prosperous, unified, and democratic Ukraine. Going forward, the Ukrainian people should know that the United States deeply values our long-standing ties with Ukraine and will support them as they pursue a path of democracy and economic development.
21:44 22.2.2014
Збігнев Бжезинський пише :

"З огляду на компроміс у Києві, ЄС має підтвердити слова грошима : Україні потрібна швидка фінансова допомога".
