Young Woman Photographs Yemen's Arab Spring

A young child with the Yemen flag painted on his cheeks at a demonstration (Photo - Nadia Abdullah)

A young protester in Yemen (Photo - Nadia Abdullah)

Protesters walk under a giant Yemen flag. (Photo - Nadia Abdullah)

Demonstrators with their faces painted with the Yemen flag (Photo - Nadia Abdullah)

A protester in Yemen (Photo - Nadia Abdullah)

A soldier waves to other security forces members. (Photo - Nadia Abdullah)

A photograph showing Yemeni soldiers (Photo - Nadia Abdullah)

A protester flashes a peace sign at a soldier. (Photo - Nadia Abdullah)

A woman praying at night during Ramadan holds a little girl. (Photo - Nadia Abdullah)

A demonstrator holds up a sign with the word "Freedom" painted in the colors of the Yemen flag. (Photo - Nadia Abdullah)

Massive crowds of demonstrators are seen behind a young protester. (Photo - Nadia Abdullah)

A demonstrator raises handcuffed hands painted with the Yemen flag. (Photo - Nadia Abdullah)

A young woman in Yemen is among a new breed of journalists who have chronicled the Arab Spring. These are some of her pictures of developments in her country.